TNAI Conducts Programme on Basic Life Support

TNAI Conducts Programme on Basic Life Support
The Trained Nurses’ Association of India (TNAI) organised a two-day programme on Basic Life Support (BLS) for health care professionals at its International Training Centre (ITC) in Greater Noida.
The BLS programme, being routinely organised in arrangement with American Heart Association (AHA) held during 11-12 February 2021 this time drew 26 participants from Indira Gandhi School & College of Nursing, Amethi (UP). The programme was conducted by AHA-certifi ed instructors. In keeping with Covid-19 advisory, the instructors as well as the students maintained social distance and made observed necessary precautions.
The BLS provider course focuses on the importance of saving life during cardiac arrest with the mission of ‘Better Heart & Brain’. This course includes early recognition of cardiac arrest for an adult, child & infant, high-quality CPR with use of an AED, management of respiratory arrest and choking. All students participated actively in learning the skills.
Towards conclusion of the programme, the feedback received was quite positive with regard to the teaching method, equipment used and the overall course. Students were awarded the AHA-certified e-cards and participation certificate from TNAI after successful completion of the course.